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I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools water and the parched ground into springs. I will put in the desert the ceder and the acacia, the myrthle and the olive. I will set pines in the wasteland, the fir and cypress together, so that people may see and know, may consider and understand, that the hand of the Lord has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it.

Isaiah 41:18-20


Sunday, September 28, 2014
A Balancing Act

Today marks the 6th year of John's near drown accident. It's been up and down as we do our therapies. We wish it was faster but God has asked us to be patient, we wish to give him a better future but God has asked us to trust Him. In many ways God has enabled us to grow in maturity, asking us at times "do you love me more than these?" Personally it's a painful question one that I wrestle with even till today. There is however less wrestling and a more willingness to submit and reaffirm my faith in Christ.
It's a balancing act of working and praying as we care for John. Here you see John balancing a 'tako' on his head. Balancing it is not easy for him, it just one of the many things we do to help John progress in his abilities.
We praise God that he is more alert of his surroundings and that his seizures are less frequent of late. We praise God we can hug him, laugh with him, tease him and cry with him. 

Monday, September 15, 2014
Playing with homemade handheld trampoline

Today is John's birthday. He is 16. We thank God that we see improvements as he goes for therapies. This was made by his private occupational therapist. The clothe is Lycra and the yellow balloon is filled with angsana seeds. To me it's a nice "ball" game, something he has not done since his near drown; hold a sports equipment to play ball. This one has level up since he needs to focus and keep the ball in control. Thanks auntie Lee Fun.

We as pilgrims on this earth have many plans, for ourselves...our children. Even now John has plans and dreams but perhaps the best plan is to stay close to Him who gave His life so that we might live.

"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." John 10:11

Friday, April 25, 2014

This is a new therapy that UMMC started on John 2 weeks ago. Hydrotherapy is a relatively new thing in the hospital so John gets to try it out too. This is his first time and basically the therapist is assessing what John can or cannot do in water. Water is now a tool for the therapist. 
Friends and family members have often asked for updates on John, we appreciate their thoughts and concern but progress is slow and therefore difficult to quantify. While his ability is limited by his brain injury, his thoughts and feelings are that of a 16 year old boy. Yes...he will be 16 this year. When a pretty girl pass by, he will turn and look...a bit embarrassing but he is a guy. 
The other day I was doing some speech therapy with him and then I sighed and said that how I wished he could call me mama since he had no problem saying papa. I didn't think very much about it after that but I noticed he kept looking at me and sighing. Of course I was clueless as to what was happening, when I asked him he kept sighing and looking into my eyes. We did our usual bedtime routine and then his eyes turn red and tears started flowing when I asked him if he was ok. Still clueless, I hugged him and assured him that I loved him so that he can settle down and go to bed. It was in reflection and retrospect that I realised what I said had sadden him. Often we blame our children for not 'performing' cos they're not trying hard enough and this would be another example of it. Following night after our bedtime routine I told him God gave me the best boy to be my son and how blessed I was to have him. I can't possibly describe how much that meant to him cos even though he has no speech you can see it in his eyes, his touch and his gentle kiss on my cheek.
Yes, I have a special needs child but he is a good son.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Planting pegs

I thought it would be difficult to have John learn this but he surprised me with his determination. It's really an encouragement when you see him at work like this. There are so many skills he has lost after the accident and regaining them is painfully slow for me but his willingness to try and work on things often spurs me on.

As Christmas approaches our thoughts are drawn to the town of Bethlehem, where God's plans begins to unfold with the coming of baby Jesus. It sometimes baffles me why God bothers with us at all, our ungratefulness, conceitedness, arrogance, selfishness etc. Jesus came from the splendour of heaven to the manger on earth so that He could be the Way back to God. But is the 'returns'/ 'profits' good enough? Not everybody will go to Heaven only those who believe in Him. He will not force; only love.

When I think of efforts put into John or any other disabled persons especially when they are mentally  challenged, it will not help them recover fully as before. Brain injury changes your life. With us every costs would have to be weighed but with Him grace is poured out abundantly to deliver us from our sins and to help us in all our trials.

My Grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. (2 Cor 12:9)

Thank you God for being who your are, the Great I AM. (Ex.3:14)

Saturday, September 28, 2013
Celebrating Life

At SPICES Resource Center

It's exactly 5 years since John's near drown accident, we see how "I think he may not survive" to him walking, laughing, crying and enjoying life. He's still unable to do a lot of things but you'll see him try. It's "easy" to work with him cause he can be motivated as he too wants to be strong, communicate and have friends, play games etc. He too has a dream; to be able to play against Datuk Lee Chong Wei in a game of badminton! What a dreamer.! Well if you don't have dreams, how can you make your dreams come true = taken from the movie South Pacific.
After HBOT we didn't do much other therapy; instead we are training him to wash up and put on his own pants etc. which actually takes up a lot of time. Usually we'll do a lot of things for him as we hurry to appointments. But now our therapy is just going to SPICES every Thursday, private OT on alternate weeks, UMMC OT and PT on appointment, we need not rush in the mornings.
As a teenager he notices pretty girls (even with cortical vision impairment!), which can be embarrassing for me ! At times he also gets tired of praying. . . . . that's when I remind him we're doing all we can and able to, we don't know how to help him anymore than this; so if we don't pray we have no hope.  "I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth" Psalm 121:1-2.  More than anything else he has to learn and know that his source of help and hope is in the Lord Jesus. I'm glad there's no entrance exam to enter Heaven; only faith in Jesus who is The Way, The Truth and The Life. (Jn 14:6)